Navigating the Road to Customer Retention: Email Marketing Metrics for Auto Industry

When you’re navigating the hustle and bustle of the automotive and powersports industries, it’s easy to overlook one valuable marketing tool that’s probably already at your fingertips: email. With its low cost and high return on investment, email marketing is a proven strategy for keeping your business in the hearts and minds of your customers.  


You might be wondering, “Why email marketing? Isn’t that a bit outdated?” Not at all. In fact, email marketing is a crucial tool for the automotive and powersports industry, especially when it comes to building relationships with customers, converting leads into successful deals, and encouraging repeat purchases. Its potential is vast and is only limited by creativity and the methods you use.  Email marketing drives more conversions than any other marketing channel, including search and social. What’s more, Email marketing has an average return on investment (ROI) of $42 for every $1 spent.


Consistency and Relevance: The Building Blocks 

Stand-out email marketing is built on two pillars – consistency and relevance. When you send emails consistently, you’re more likely to stay at the forefront of your customers’ minds. And when your content is relevant and interesting, it transforms from being ‘just another email’ into a communication that your customers look forward to receiving. Regular updates about upcoming models, service reminders, industry news, and more can serve as valuable engagement tools. 

The Power of Promotional Emails 

Ever thought about using promotional emails to create a buzz? Well, they work wonders in the automotive and powersports industry! By promoting specific events, sales, discounts, or promo codes, you can help create traction and draw potential customers to your dealership. Better yet, these can be tailored to your customers’ preferences, ensuring they always find value in the emails you send. 

Email Marketing Experimentation – Finding What Works 

The beauty of email marketing? It’s dynamic! What works for one company may not work for another. Even within your own client base, responses can greatly vary. That’s why the secret sauce often lies in experimentation. Test different email marketing messages, formats, and frequencies. Assess the results, learn from them, and refine your strategy. 

Email marketing offers a world of potential for the automotive and powersports industry. With the right strategy, you can cultivate a loyal audience, increase sales, and build stronger connections with your customers. So, rev up your marketing engine and let’s hit the road!

Driving Forward with Email Marketing Strategies 

When looking to maximize your audience engagement, consider various types of email marketing that can benefit your dealership or automotive business. 

Email Marketing Type

Open Rate

Click-Through Rate

Conversion Rate

Welcome Emails




Service Reminders




Promotional Emails




Informational Emails




Abandoned Cart Emails




Personalized Emails




Segmented Emails




Automated Emails




Welcome Emails 

A welcome email is the perfect way to initiate a conversation with your new subscribers. This not only establishes first contact, but significantly engages the customer by presenting them with valuable information about your services or products. When customers opt-in to your newsletter, make sure to respond with a hearty welcome and perhaps even a first-time customer discount or promotion. 

Service Reminders and Updates 

Keeping customers informed about maintenance services, software updates, recalls, or safety advice is a great way to show you care about their post-sales experience. Timely and helpful reminders can reinforce positive associations with your dealership and promote customer loyalty. 

Promotional Emails 

An exclusive offer or a limited-time sale can give your customers a compelling reason to make a purchase or revisit your website. Be sure to make your promotional emails stand out, with clear calls to action, engaging designs and intriguing subject lines. Approximately 49% of consumers said they would like to receive promotional emails from their favorite brands on a weekly basis.

Informational Emails 

Whether it’s a new model release, an upcoming event, or tech updates, informational emails keep your subscribers in the know. Highlight unique features, showcase innovations, and build excitement around what’s new in your dealership. 

Email marketing presents abundant opportunities to engage customers and drive sales in the automotive and powersports industry. Embracing this powerful tool, you can increase website traffic, promote trust, and leverage the opportunity to upsell insurances or other complementary services. The key is to keep the communication relevant, timely, and personalized to your customer’s need.

Abandoned Cart Emails

While you may think of “abandoned carts” as a term that pertains only to the e-commerce retail sector, it’s just as relevant in the automotive and powersports arena.

Imagine a potential customer who is browsing through your online inventory. They select a vehicle they love, perhaps even customize it with a choice of colours, upgrades, or add-ons, and then … nothing. They don’t proceed to initiate a contact or schedule a test drive. Such pseudo transactions can represent significant dormant revenue if not addressed appropriately.

The good news is that we are equipped with a solution – abandoned cart emails. Designed to follow-up with hesitant customers, these emails can help recapture interest and potentially translate into completed sales.

  How exactly do they help? The tactic lies in curating incredibly personalized content. Remind the customer of the exact item


Emails that include social sharing buttons have a 158% higher click-through rate. 


Personalized Emails Optimization

Email has an ability many channels don’t: creating valuable, personal touches – at scale.
– David Newman

Personalization is another effective strategy. Personalized email campaigns can improve click-through rates by an average of 14% and conversions by 10%.

Understanding the customer journey is a key strategy in email marketing for the automotive and powersports industry. This involves mapping out the different stages a customer goes through, from the initial interest and purchase to the post-purchase phase. By understanding this journey, businesses can tailor their emails to meet the needs and interests of their customers at each stage, thereby increasing engagement and retention.

Segmented Emails 


Segmentation is also crucial in email marketing. Segmented email campaigns have an open rate that is 14.32% higher than non-segmented campaigns. This involves dividing the email list into different categories or segments based on various factors such as the type of vehicle owned, frequency of purchases, or geographical location. By segmenting the email list, businesses can send more targeted and relevant emails, which can lead to higher open rates, engagement, and customer retention.


Automated Emails

Automated email campaigns can be highly effective for customer retention. These are emails that are automatically sent out based on certain triggers or actions taken by the customer. For example, a car dealership might set up an automated email to be sent out a few months after a purchase, reminding the customer it’s time for their first oil change. This not only provides a valuable service to the customer, but also keeps the business top of mind.

Finally, providing value in every email is a key strategy. This could be in the form of useful information, exclusive deals, or engaging content. The goal is to make the customer look forward to receiving and opening the emails. If every email provides value, customers are more likely to stay engaged and loyal to the brand.


Automotive and powersports industries often use email marketing to maintain customer relationships and promote new products or services. Utilizing email marketing to its full potential provides numerous fruitful results for your automotive or powersport business. You’re not only nurturing relationships with your customers, but also leading them towards action that benefits both parties; be it a repeat purchase, a service booking, or facilitating their introduction to a sophisticated new model. 


Email marketing also helps in creating a strong online presence for your business, driving more traffic to your website. It’s crucial to remember that a buoyant traffic flow doesn’t simply mean increased visibility, but it could also mean more leads, and subsequently, more sales. 

Key Metrics 

Email marketing metrics provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of your campaigns, and they play a crucial role in customer retention in the automotive and powersports industry. By tracking these metrics, businesses can understand their audience’s behavior and preferences, enabling them to tailor their marketing strategies to increase customer engagement and loyalty.

The first key email marketing metric relevant to the automotive and powersports industry is the open rate. This refers to the percentage of recipients who open your email. For the automotive and powersports industry, the average open rate is approximately 21.6%. This benchmark can vary based on factors like the subject line, sender name, and timing of the email.

Another crucial metric is the click-through rate (CTR). Click-Through Rate (CTR): This is the percentage of recipients who clicked on at least one link in your email. The industry standard for CTR in the automotive and powersports industry is around 2.4%. A higher CTR indicates that your email content is engaging and relevant to your audience.

Bounce rate is also a significant metric. This is the percentage of emails that could not be delivered to the recipient’s inbox. A low bounce rate is desirable, and the industry standard is typically below 0.7%. High bounce rates may indicate issues with your email list quality or deliverability issues.

Conversion rate is the percentage of recipients who completed a desired action after clicking on a link in your email, such as making a purchase or filling out a form. The average conversion rate for the automotive and powersports industry is around 2.0%. This metric is a strong indicator of the overall effectiveness of your email marketing strategy.

Unsubscribe rate is the percentage of recipients who opt-out of your email list after receiving an email. The industry standard for unsubscribe rates is typically below 0.2%. A high unsubscribe rate may indicate that your content is not resonating with your audience or that you’re emailing too frequently.

The email sharing forwarding rate is the percentage of recipients who share your email content or forward the email to others. This metric is a strong indicator of the virality of your content. The industry benchmark for this metric is not well-defined, but a higher rate indicates more engaging content. reach.

Lastly, overall ROI, the return on investment for email marketing in the automotive and powersports industry can vary widely, but a benchmark ROI is typically around $38 for every $1 spent. This metric helps evaluate the financial effectiveness of your email marketing campaigns.

What are the common mistakes to avoid in email marketing for customer retention in the automotive industry?

No one said implementing a successful email marketing strategy would be easy, but understanding the common pitfalls can significantly enhance your deliverability and effectiveness. Let’s delve into some of the typical mistakes to avoid when you are at the wheel of your automotive or powersports email marketing campaign. 

Irrelevant Content 

Nothing sends your emails to the trash faster than content that is of no interest to the reader. It is essential that you ensure your emails contain pertinent information that resonates with your customers’ needs and preferences. Focus on promoting specific vehicle types or sharing key maintenance tips based on the vehicles your customers own. 

Ignoring Personalization 

In today’s data-driven landscape, a “one-size-fits-all” approach to email marketing just doesn’t cut it. Personalizing your emails by addressing customers by name and tailoring your content to their interests can significantly improve click-through and conversion rates. 

Overloading Inbox 

Too much of anything can be harmful, and that’s true for email marketing as well. Overloading your customers’ inboxes will make your emails feel like spam, which can lead to unsubscribes or worse. Strike a balance with your frequency to ensure you’re maintaining contact, but not becoming a nuisance. 

Poor Subject Lines and CTAs 

Your subject line is the first touchpoint with your customer and a poorly constructed one can easily lead to your email being overlooked. Similarly, vague or weak CTAs (Call to Actions) can leave customers confused about what they’re supposed to do. Keep your subject lines intriguing but straightforward, and your CTAs clear and compelling. 

Not Harnessing the Power of Mobile 

With a significant portion of customers accessing their emails on their smartphones, it’s a costly mistake not to design your emails for different screens. Optimize your emails for mobile to ensure a good user experience, regardless of the device your customer is using. 

Lastly, always remember to test and analyze your strategies. The beauty of email marketing lies in its ability to provide valuable insights from hard data. Make sure to measure your outcomes and tweak your strategies as needed for improved performance.

Final Takeaways and Email Marketing Tips for Dealerships 

As you wrap up, remember the importance of maintaining your contact list – it’s alive, dynamic and should be tended to, removing inactive subscribers or incorrect addresses, and constantly seeking ways to expand it. This way, you ensure you’re reaching out to interested parties, thus, enhancing your email marketing’s effectiveness. 

Keep the content of your emails diverse and engaging – from welcome emails for the newly-joined customers to cross-selling opportunities, every chance for engagement adds more value to the customer and to your business. Be creative, be personal, and be helpful – these are the cornerstones of successful email marketing in the automotive and powersport industry. 

So go forth, rev up your engines, and let your email marketing lead the way to greater customer engagement and profitability. Remember, email marketing is much more than just a tool. It’s an essential channel to connect with customers, assure them of your continued service, and rise above the competition.


Picture of Kristy Kennedy

Kristy Kennedy

Owner & CEO, Kennedy Marketing

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